What are the Healthiest Foods for Kids? Here are important nutrients for your growing child.

What are the Healthiest Foods for Kids? Here are important nutrients for your growing child.

You know your kid should be eating a “balanced diet” but when your child is begging for peanut butter and jelly or mac and cheese for the umpteeth day in a row, it’s hard to feel like you’re doing the best you can. Instead of trying to get them to eat everything, here’s a list of important nutrients your kids need so you can hone in on what vitamins and minerals your child may be missing, along with a few kid-friendly ideas for each nutrient to get you started.

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Should you try a DNA test for your diet? A review of GenoPlate

Should you try a DNA test for your diet? A review of GenoPlate

While certain foods are a safe bet for most of us, we’re all made a bit differently and need slightly different nutrients. Over the last few years, more companies have boasted they can tap into DNA results and optimize nutrition. I decided to try Genoplate.com to see what it said and if it was worth it. Here’s what I thought!

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12 Foods to Protect Your Skin Against the Sun

12 Foods to Protect Your Skin Against the Sun

While food can't compete with sunscreen, a hat, or good ol' fashioned shade, some foods can boost your skin's ability to protect itself and heal from time in the sun. By enjoying some of these antioxidant rich foods on the regular, you can reap skin protecting benefits (but still don’t skip the sunscreen).

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How to Treat Constipation with Food

How to Treat Constipation with Food

You poop. I poop. We all poop, only sometimes we don’t and that’s when things start to get a bit (okay, very) uncomfortable. While both constipation - and talking about it - can make us a bit squeamish, it’s totally normal to occasionally struggle. Before you reach for the over-the-counter stuff, the biggest culprit is usually diet. With just a few easy additions to your day, you’ll be lighter on your feet in no time.

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Put Down the Salt Shaker: Here's How and Why to Eat Less Salt

Put Down the Salt Shaker: Here's How and Why to Eat Less Salt

It’s recommended that we limit sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, but it’s estimated that Americans eat almost double! Sodium is hidden in many foods, so it’s very easy to go above our recommended intake. Here are easy - and yummy - tips and low sodium alternatives to help you put down the salt shaker. Your heart will thank you!

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7 Things You Can Do For Your Heart and Why It Matters Today

7 Things You Can Do For Your Heart and Why It Matters Today

Recent studies have shown that cardiovascular disease now kills one out of 3 Americans. The fact is, many of us don’t think about our heart health - and don’t have symptoms - until there’s a problem much later in life when treatment is already needed. Here are 7 things you can do today to live a healthier, longer life. 

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